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Citrus Fruits

Dear Black People: I'm Rooting For You

Dear Black People:

How are you doing? ...really? take a moment to truly answer this question. I hope you are doing well, and if you're not, that is okay too. Take whatever you need to be okay again (love, peace, rest, Time to reflect etc.)

As we come to the end of Black history month I wanted to take this time to write a love letter to every Black person that comes across this blogpost. Something to keep you going as you move through the rest of the year. The other day, I came across something that said "Black history did NOT start with slavery" and I felt that. So, I'm sharing it with you because I want you to remember that. In school Black history was always taught with slavery at the forefront as if we didn't exist long before that. Over history we've been through a lot but we aren't defeated. No one can deny our strength, resilience, and most importantly our innovative spirit. Last year was incredibly tough and we lost a lot of brothers and sisters at the hands of racism. We hold so much pain and hurt in our bodies as a collective; but in spite of that we still find space for joy. It is incredible and I love that about us! Black joy is one of the most healing things as I'm sure you can agree. So hold your head up my love. Your joy is a pleasure to witness.

There's a song that says "they never told us that Black is beautiful". It's a nice song but I have some issues with it. I don't believe in putting the power in someone else's hands to define our beauty. We are beautiful, our melanin is divine. No one can deny it, no matter how hard they try. It is no secret that society's definition of beauty is highly Eurocentric; and unfortunately, we have internalized this worldview. From the color of our skin, to our body size/shape, to our hair. All of which has been used to oppress us. If only we could realize how beautiful we are inside and out. We've internalized society's ideals and have spent years pursuing those ideals, neglecting our own. This is why I challenge the status quo on this platform when I talk about diet culture, because the obsession with weight is rooted in racism and an obviously Eurocentric idea of what is beautiful. In fact America's standard of health was created through a Eurocentric lens, and the idea of weight was not linked to health until white people decided higher weight was associated with being Black and savage. Leading to the pathologization and oppression of people in fat bodies. If you think it's about health, you might want to look deeper. Additionally, nutrition recommendations don't take our cultural foods into consideration. I want you to realize that your cultural foods matter and they fit into a healthy lifestyle, contrary to society's misguided beliefs. Your collard greens, callaloo, kidney beans, rice and peas, steamed fish, plantains, etc are all nutritious. You don't have to neglect them in order to pursue health. Our ancestors created beautiful dishes with them and today they help to keep us connected to each other and our heritage. In fact, we've seen how our foods have become "trendy" after they used to be considered "less than." Isn't that interesting? Embrace your cultural foods love and don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

No matter how many odds are stacked against us we STILL manage to make something beautiful and excel in ways that are just amazing to behold. we are a people of incredible grit and faith. Our resilience is woven into our stories, collectively and individually. We are THOSE people! We stand boldly in our truth; and our joy literally drives the culture. Each and everyone of us makes this possible. Don't get me started on our flavor! From our food, to our music, to our dance etc. Our creativity on a whole is UNMATCHED. We have so much to be proud of! Our ancestors went through great pain but they fought and resisted and overcame, allowing us the freedom we have today. We have great Black names written in history as inventors, musicians, activists, athletes, entrepreneurs, Political giants, poets, storytellers, champions of the faith etc. So if today you feel down or like you cannot achieve, look back at history. You are capable! In whatever area of life you find yourself, be EXCELLENT. Even if no one else sees it, it still matters. You belong in that room. Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back. Do not be afraid. God has your back. Do not tremble before them, it is GOD who goes before you. You can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength. I'm rooting for you. Don't forget to give yourself nourishment. Be gentle with your healing and always remember you are loved! We will continue to celebrate our excellence and share our joy.

Say it loud! I'M BLACK AND I'M PROUD!


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