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Citrus Fruits

Its More Than That!

Updated: Jan 8, 2021

If you ask anyone what it means to be healthy, you will hear answers like: eat fruits and vegetables, exercise three days per week or don't drink soda and the list continues. Even though these answers are helpful practices in living a healthy life, on their own, they are simply not enough. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. What does that mean? It means, health includes every facet of the human as a whole. So even though regular exercise and a balanced diet are very important, the other aspects that make up our being must be equally considered. So what are we made of? A human being consists of the mind, body and spirit. So, in order for us to be completely or holistically healthy our minds need to be healthy, our bodies need to be healthy and our spirit needs to be healthy. Therefore optimal health is contingent upon the synergistic interaction of all three aspects of our being. We can’t focus on one and neglect the other. All must be nourished. Let's consider feeding all three areas of our lives instead of just one.

Bringing the light to your view on health!

I hope you are as excited as I am to go on this journey of truly understanding what it means to be healthy. Let's get healthy together!


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